Signature events are key in the overall experience of a company, product or individual.
how can we help you?
We can help keep you true to self and on brand every step of the way. Our signature event 1-on-1 consultations consists of a series of meetings and strategy calls that take deep dives into your brand to solidify and amplify your personality, vision and goal, ensuring these pillars are exuded throughout your event. Our 3 stage process is used to help strategically navigate you through our consulting journey.
The Three Stages of Event Production
The Introductory Stage: Framing the Foundation
Stage one is where the vision and execution must first align. In this stage, the vision is weaved into the varying steps needed to produce your event, such as the size, complexity, and the type of event you intend on executing. By framing the foundation of the event in the introductory stage, event organizers can set the stage for a successful and engaging event.

Our goal is to take your standard event and set you apart from the rest.
How? By customizing the experience to your personal brand through strategy, creativity and through curating a unique experience.

the time is now!
1-on-1 Consultations with Amanda J
The Visionary
The Team
The Expansion
Have a vision, an idea or a concept yet don’t know where to start? This consultation package is for you. The visionary package is for those looking to launch a signature event in their field of expertise with the aim to scale their brand and/or build their community and brand visibility. How you show is just as important as what you’re offering so launching with excellence and on brand is ideal.
The start never looks as good as the finish but the foundation matters so let’s build to last!
The team package best serves collaborative events with multiple brands or a visionary looking to scale not only the vision but those meant to carry it out. This package caters to the overall scope of a signature event and touches on areas like marketing, sponsorship, branding, logistics and team building and management. The team package ensures everyone is scaling on the same page and with the right messaging to ensure a successful signature event with excellent execution.
The Expansion package is meant for those looking to scale their event to reach a greater audience and level-up their event experience. It’s also optimal for those who’ve scaled their business and want to reintroduce their signature event to the world and their community. Brand pivots are necessary and somewhere along the way, as a brand you will shift your trajectory, specify your niche or add to your brands identity. Let me help you stay true to your identity while expanding your personality through this expansion package.